Maleic Anhydride Product Plant

The investment and operation of Turkey’s first maleic anhydride production plant, which will operate within GEBKİM in Gebze, will be owned and operated by TN Maleik and They will cooperate with GAMA Industry for engineering and procurement services.
Tuzgölü Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility Phase 2

The construction of the Tuz Gölü Natural Gas Storage Project, one of the most important projects developed by BOTAŞ within the framework of ensuring the security of energy supply, was started in 2011 in the Sultanhanı district of Aksaray province.
Transmission of Erdemir Iron and Steel Plant Waste Water Lines over Pipe Bridges Project

Pipelines were designed in order to make the wastes accumulated in the septic wells located within Erdemir convenient for operation by eliminating the need for vacuum trucks, creating measurement facilities, etc. and to ensure controllability from the determined centers.
Nickel Ore Beneficiation Plant

n addition to the steel and reinforced concrete projects of the Bunker Building, Seperator Building, Workshop Building, Stockyard structures within the Nickel Ore Beneficiation Plant within Meta Nickel Cobalt A.Ş. Eskişehir Plant,
EÜAŞ Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant Ash Conveyor Lines Rehabilitation

Within the scope of EÜAŞ Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant Ash Conveyor Line Revision Preliminary Design Works, additional conveyor line mechanical preliminary projects, preliminary projects of new transfer towers, preliminary projects of steel and reinforced concrete structures, electrical and mechanical projects of new structures, and preparation of specifications (technical and equipment), quantity and approximate cost documents for the tender.
EÜAŞ Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant Ash Dam Pond and Elution Water Transmission Lines Project

Preparation of mechanical, electrical, civil and piping preliminary projects, tender specifications (technical and equipment), bill of quantities and approximate cost documents within the scope of Floating Pumping Station Installation and Elutriation Plant Rehabilitation planned to be constructed in the leachate dam at EÜAŞ Çayırhan TPP Plant.
Çanakkale Çan Thermal Power Plant Boilers No. 1 and 2 Renovation Works Comparison Studies

As Enprotek Engineering, we carried out benchmarking studies within the scope of the renovation works of boilers No. 1 and No. 2 in Çanakkale Çan Thermal Power Plant. This study aimed to increase the efficiency and safety of the power plant.
Artvin Yusufeli Mineral Beneficiation Plant Studies and Designs

As Enprotek Engineering, we contributed to the efficient and safe operation of the Artvin Yusufeli Taç Mineral Beneficiation Plant with our survey and project design works. In this project, we provided comprehensive services in the fields of mechanical design and structural design.
TCDD Kayacik Logistics Center Locomotive Maintenance Center and Pile Foundation Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we increased the functionality and durability of the facility with the steel structure and pile foundation projects we carried out at TCDD Kayacık Logistics Center. In this context, we provided project services for various buildings and structures.
TCDD Sivas Logistics Center Steel Structures Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we increased the functionality and durability of the facility with the steel structure projects we carried out at TCDD Sivas Logistics Center. In this context, we provided project services for various buildings and structures.