Soda Corp. Various Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed various steel and reinforced concrete construction projects both in Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina for Soda Corp. These projects aim to increase the capacity of different production units and ensure structural safety.
ETI Maden Bigadiç Boron Plant Homogenization Unit Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed reinforced concrete, steel, piping, tank and silo design, electrical and instrumentation projects in the Homogenization Unit for ETI Maden Bigadic Boron Plant in Turkiye. These projects have been an important step to increase efficiency and minimize environmental impacts in boron mineral processing processes.
Isdemir 2nd Blast Furnace Bag Filter Unit Steel and Reinforced Concrete Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully designed the steel and reinforced concrete structures of the Bag Filter Unit for Isdemir Blast Furnace 2. This project aims to reduce the environmental impact of the blast furnace and ensure structural safety.
Strengthening Projects of Urfa Cement (Limak) Mill Unit and Conveyor Galleries and New Preblending Conveyor Galleries Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed the reinforcement projects of the mill unit and the reinforcement of the conveyor galleries and the design of new conveyor galleries for Urfa Cement (Limak), which is included in our past experience. These projects aim to increase the production capacity and operational efficiency of the factory.
Madinsan (Ankara) Project Design of Steel Structures and Consultancy Services and Project Management for Mechanical Transportation Systems

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed the design of steel structures and consultancy services within the transportation systems of Madinsan (Ankara) Project. This project, which we completed with PROTA in 2010, includes the design of steel structures, management of mechanical carrier lines and consultancy services.
Yunus Emre Thermal Power Plant Water Intake Structure and Transmission Line Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed the water intake structure and transmission line projects for Yunus Emre Coal Fueled Thermal Power Plant. This project is a critical infrastructure work aimed at ensuring efficient and safe water supply of the power plant.
Adıyaman Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports Yenimahalle Sports Hall Project

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed the Adiyaman Yenimahalle Sports Hall Project. This project includes the steel structure projects of the sports hall with a capacity of 2500 people.
Tufanbeyli Thermal Power Plant Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed various important engineering works within the scope of Tufanbeyli Thermal Power Plant Projects. These projects were carried out to increase the operational efficiency of the power plant and to ensure its structural integrity.