DSI Erzurum Yazyurdu HEPP Energy Service Gate and Radial Gate Mechanical Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed the Energy Service Gate and Radial Gate mechanical projects for the Turkish State Hydraulic Works (DSI). These projects aim to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the gate systems, which play an important role in water management and energy production.
Project Details
- Energy Service Gate Mechanical Projects: Mechanical design and project design of energy service gates were carried out. In this context, the engineering calculations and technical details required to ensure the operational efficiency and safety of the gates were meticulously carried out.
- Radial Gate Mechanical Projects: Mechanical design and project design for radial gates were completed. All technical details and engineering calculations were carefully carried out to ensure the durability and trouble-free operation of the gates.
Completed Works
- Detailed Technical Drawings: Comprehensive technical drawings were created for the projects. These drawings were prepared to guide the production and assembly processes.
- Engineering Calculations: All necessary engineering calculations were meticulously performed to ensure the safety and efficiency of the mechanical systems.
- Project Management and Coordination: Effective management and coordination was ensured throughout the project, aiming to complete the works on time and within budget.
- Quality Control and Assurance: Quality control processes were meticulously managed at all stages, ensuring that the projects conformed to high quality standards.
DSI Energy Service Gate and Radial Gate Mechanical Projects is an important project that allows Enprotek Engineering to showcase our engineering expertise and mechanical system design capabilities. By keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level in this project, we continue to offer solutions that fully comply with the operational requirements of DSI.