Ermaden – Hasançelebi Iron Ore Primary Crusher Unit Engineering Calculations

As Enprotek Engineering, within the scope of the project, which is the most important pillar of the project that will transport ore from Ermaden Hasançelebi Plant to Divriği plant; We have successfully completed the engineering calculations of the carrier steel structures and conveyor lines gallery and transfer towers steels for Ermaden – Hasançelebi Iron Ore Primary Crusher Unit. These calculations are critical in determining the engineering details of the project and providing the right structural solutions.
Carrier Steel Structures Engineering Calculations
- We performed the engineering calculations of the load-bearing steel structures required for the primary crusher unit.
- We developed specially optimized designs to ensure the durability, safety and operational performance of the steel structures.
- We calculated the load carrying capacity and durability analysis of the structures in detail.
Engineering Calculations of Conveyor Lines, Gallery and Transfer Tower Steel
- We performed the engineering calculations of the steel structures required for conveyor lines, galleries and transfer towers.
- We created detailed technical drawings by determining the layout, integration and engineering details of the structures.
- We designed safe and sustainable structures by calculating the resistance of the structures against wind and other external factors.
Completed Works
- Engineering Calculations and Technical Drawings: During the project, we performed all the necessary engineering calculations and prepared detailed technical drawings for the structural steel structures, conveyor lines, galleries and transfer towers.
- Quality Control and Assurance: We managed the quality control processes throughout the project, ensuring that the design complied with the project specifications. With a strong quality assurance program, we increased the success and durability of the projects.
Ermaden – Hasançelebi Iron Ore Primary Crusher Unit Engineering Calculations is an important example that allows Enprotek Engineering to showcase our engineering expertise and innovative solutions. Keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level, we continue to offer solutions that are exactly tailored to the requirements of the project.