Isdemir 2nd Blast Furnace Bag Filter Unit Steel and Reinforced Concrete Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully designed the steel and reinforced concrete structures of the Bag Filter Unit for Isdemir Blast Furnace 2. This project aims to reduce the environmental impact of the blast furnace and ensure structural safety.
Project Details
- Bag Filter Unit: Detailed design of the steel and reinforced concrete structures required for the bag filter unit that will control the emissions of the blast furnace was realized.
Completed works
- Steel Structure Design: Structural integrity and durability were ensured by designing the steel structural elements of the baghouse filter unit. This design was realized in a way that will allow the unit to operate in a long-lasting and safe manner.
- Reinforced Concrete Structure Design: Detailed design of the foundation and other reinforced concrete structural elements of the unit was carried out. The durability and stability of the reinforced concrete structures were ensured to ensure safe operation of the unit.
- Technical Drawings and Engineering Calculations: Technical drawings and engineering calculations of the steel and reinforced concrete structures were meticulously made. In this process, all engineering standards required for the safety and performance of the structures were complied with.
- Project Management and Coordination: Effective management and coordination was ensured throughout the project, aiming to complete the works on time and within budget.
- Quality Control and Assurance: Quality control processes were meticulously implemented at all stages, ensuring that the projects complied with high quality standards.
Isdemir 2nd Blast Furnace Bag Filter Unit Steel and Reinforced Concrete Projects is an important work that allows us to showcase our engineering expertise and structural design skills as Enprotek Engineering. By keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level, we continue to offer solutions that fully comply with the requirements of the project.