Konya Selcuklu Culture and Congress Center Steel Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have realized various steel projects for Konya Selcuklu Culture and Congress Center. These projects aimed to provide safe and durable solutions that are compatible with modern architectural understanding.
Project Details
- Steel Structures: Steel projects were developed for the main structural elements of the cultural and congress center. Steel structures provided lightness, flexibility and durability.
- Congress Center Main Building: Steel structural systems and steel roof projects.
- Lobby and Entrance Sections: Steel beam and column structures.
- Steel Bridges: Steel bridges inside the building.
- Steel Roofs: Steel construction projects for convention center roofs.
- Other Steel Structures: Other necessary projects for steel structures.
Completed Works
- Detailed Technical Drawings: During the project process, technical drawings including all details of the steel structures were created. These drawings were prepared to guide the construction and implementation processes.
- Engineering Calculations: In order to ensure the structural integrity and safety of the structure, the necessary engineering calculations and analyzes were carried out in detail. Load-bearing capacities, resistance to wind and other external factors were analyzed.
- Project Management and Coordination: Effective management and coordination was ensured throughout all phases of the project. Necessary steps were taken to complete the project on time and within budget.
- Quality Control and Assurance: Quality control processes were meticulously managed throughout the project, ensuring that the designs and applications conformed to high quality standards.
Konya Selçuklu Culture and Congress Center Steel Projects is an important project that allows us to showcase our engineering expertise and innovative solutions as Enprotek Engineering. By keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level, we are committed to providing solutions that fully comply with the requirements of the project.