Maleic Anhydride Product Plant
The investment and operation of Turkey’s first maleic anhydride production plant, which will operate within

Tuzgölü Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility Phase 2
The construction of the Tuz Gölü Natural Gas Storage Project, one of the most important

Transmission of Erdemir Iron and Steel Plant Waste Water Lines over Pipe Bridges Project
Pipelines were designed in order to make the wastes accumulated in the septic wells located

Nickel Ore Beneficiation Plant
n addition to the steel and reinforced concrete projects of the Bunker Building, Seperator Building,

EÜAŞ Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant Ash Conveyor Lines Rehabilitation
Within the scope of EÜAŞ Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant Ash Conveyor Line Revision Preliminary Design

EÜAŞ Çayırhan Thermal Power Plant Ash Dam Pond and Elution Water Transmission Lines Project
Preparation of mechanical, electrical, civil and piping preliminary projects, tender specifications (technical and equipment), bill

Çanakkale Çan Thermal Power Plant Boilers No. 1 and 2 Renovation Works Comparison Studies
As Enprotek Engineering, we carried out benchmarking studies within the scope of the renovation works

Artvin Yusufeli Mineral Beneficiation Plant Studies and Designs
As Enprotek Engineering, we contributed to the efficient and safe operation of the Artvin Yusufeli