Koza Gold Himmetdede Plant Capacity Increase Project
As Enprotek Engineering, we contributed to the successful completion of the capacity expansion project of

Mahall Bomonti Building No. 10 and 11 Laminated Wood Roof Project
As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed the laminated timber roof project of Mahall Bomonti

Aselsan Macunköy Campus Satellite Simulation Building Project
As Enprotek Engineering, we successfully completed the Aselsan Satellite Simulation Building Project. Within the scope

Gaziantep Airport Rotunda 1 and 2 Fixed Service Bridges Steel Projects
As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed the steel projects of Rotunda 1 and 2

Altındağ Municipality Horse Manege and Stable Project
As Enprotek Engineering, we successfully completed the static calculations of laminated timber structures within the

TUBITAK Gebze Campus Security Logistics Center Projects
As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed laminated timber, steel and reinforced concrete projects within

TCDD (Turkish State Railways) Country Wide 35 Maintenance and Repair Stations Fuel and Water Tanks and Piping Mechanical Projects
As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed the fuel and water tanks and piping mechanical

Agri Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports Indoor Sports Hall Project for 2000 Persons
As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed the Agri Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports