Soda Corp. Various Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures Projects

As Enprotek Engineering, we have successfully completed various steel and reinforced concrete construction projects both in Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina for Soda Corp. These projects aim to increase the capacity of different production units and ensure structural safety.
Project Details
Mersin, Turkey:
- Carbonation Filtration Unit Projects: In this project, steel and reinforced concrete structural elements of the carbonation filtration unit were designed and designed.
- Big-Bag Unit Projects: The structural design of the Big-Bag unit was realized. This unit was designed to ensure safe and efficient storage and transportation of materials.
- Limestone Kiln Capacity Increase Projects: Steel and reinforced concrete structures required to increase the capacity of limestone kilns were designed. These projects aim to improve the performance and efficiency of the kilns.
- Absorption Distillation Unit Projects: Structural design of the absorption distillation unit was carried out. This project included all the necessary engineering calculations to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the unit.
- Brine Treatment and Production Plants Projects: Steel and reinforced concrete structural elements of the brine treatment and production plants were designed. These projects aim to increase the durability and efficiency of the plants.
- Various Conveyor Gallery and Foundation Projects: Conveyor galleries and their foundation structures were designed. These projects aim to increase operational efficiency by optimizing material handling.
- Entrance Guard Structure: The necessary steel and reinforced concrete designs for the factory’s entrance guard structure were realized. This structure was designed to ensure effective security and entry-exit controls.
Bosnia and Herzegovina:
- Various Conveyor Galleries and Transfer Towers Projects: The steel and reinforced concrete structures required for conveyor galleries and transfer towers were designed at the factory in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These projects aim to improve the logistics processes of the factory.
- Main Projects: All structural designs for conveyor galleries, transfer towers and various tank foundations were realized. These projects were carried out in accordance with all necessary engineering standards to ensure the safety and longevity of the structures.
Completed Works
- Detailed Technical Drawings: All technical drawings required for the projects were created. These drawings were prepared to guide the construction and assembly processes.
- Engineering Calculations: The necessary engineering calculations were meticulously performed to ensure the safety and durability of the steel and reinforced concrete structures.
- Project Management and Coordination: Effective management and coordination was ensured throughout the project, aiming to complete the works on time and within budget.
- Quality Control and Assurance: Quality control processes were meticulously managed at all stages to ensure that the projects conformed to high quality standards.
Soda Corp. Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures Projects is an important work that allows us to showcase our engineering expertise and structural design capabilities as Enprotek Engineering. Keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level, we continue to offer solutions that fully comply with the requirements of the project.